Interested in Becoming A Member of Our Parish?
Fill out the Form below
so we can Meet and welcome you!
Why Register at our Parish?
By registering at a parish, you declare the desire to be a part of a Catholic faith community.
Top reasons to register at our parish:
Sense of belonging in our parish community
Declares a commitment to practice the faith
Registration helps our pastor, parochial vicar, and pastoral staff get to know you and welcome you to the parish. This is extremely helpful in a time of crisis or particular need.
Registration helps you stay connected with Corpus Christi and helps Corpus Christi stay connected with you. Our pastoral staff are able to provide you updates via email, mail, phone, etc. because of your registration.
Please note that filling out this form does not register you into our parish.
The form enables us to meet you in person so that we can
welcome you and have you register in person!